- Cap and Gown-
- 1st hour absences and tardies :(
- Coats and backpacks need to be kept in your locker.
- No blankets No sunglasses
- First bell rings at 7:45 School starts at 7:50. 8:06 = absent for 1st hour
- if you come early, stay in the cafeteria until 7:45
- Cell phones- we need a huge improvement or there will be work done to change the policy. In the classrooms they need to be put away and stay put away :)
- After the first week of school, Mp2 will only run on Fridays.
- Vape sensors- We go in waves- please have conversations with your kids. Let’s work together to eliminate vaping.
Credit Recovery
Bowling at Romulus
Credit Recovery
Swim home bs Romulus at 6:00
Varsity Girls Basketball home at 6:00
Credit Recovery
Bowling vs Robichaud
Credit Recovery
Freshman, JV, and Varsity Boy’s Basketball home
Girls JV and Varsity Girl’s Basketball Away- Garden City
25th Annual Putnam Spelling Bee (Musical)
25th Annual Putnam Spelling Bee (Musical)
Looking Ahead…
- Yearbook purchase-
- Senior Celebration Ads-
- January 20, NO SCHOOL Martin Luther King Jr.
- January 22, 23, and 24 ½ days- Finals
- February 6- ½ Day Parent/Teacher conferences
- February 13-Multicultural week assembly
- February 14- NO SCHOOL
- February 17 and 18 NO SCHOOL
- March 3-7 AHS Spirit Week
- March 7, 2025- School to Tools Mobile Field Trip
- March 13, 2025 Band Concert 6PM Auditorium
- March 19, 2025- College & Career Fair
- March 21- ½ day Spring Break
- March 24-28- NO SCHOOL
- March 31- possibly NO SCHOOL
- April 18- NO SCHOOL
- May 2-Fun Field Day *rain date May 9th
- May 15, 2025 Band Concert 6PM Auditorium
- May 16, 2025- College Decision Day in gym
- May 21, 2025- Senior Honors Night
- May 22, 2025- Senior clap out
- May 23 and 26th NO SCHOOL
- May 27,28, 29 2025- Senior Finals
- May 29, 2025- Senior Prom
- June 5, 2025-Graduation
Helpful Links
- Bell Schedule
- Chromebook PSA Slides
- CTE Bus Schedule
- Sports Schedules
- Post Graduation Planning
- Care Solace
- Counselor information
- Student Handbook
Class Sponsors-
- Freshman- Mr. Martin
- Sophomore- Mr. Nassar & Mrs. Jacobs
- Juniors- Dr. Prince & Mr. Saad
- Seniors- Mrs. Fynan
Counselor sign up-
- For Students: Counselor Request Form
- For Staff: Teacher Referral for Counselor
Ms. Arrington- 9th graders
Mr. Ossman- 10th grade 11th K-Z
Dr. Prince- Seniors 11th A-J